Monday, January 4, 2010

California woes

What is the Govenor to do?? He tried to lay off some state workers because we just don't have the money to pay them but the SEIU went to court and got a sympathetic judge to rule against him. I think it is time to bring the SEIU down a few pegs! They have far to much power when they can tell a state how to handle it's financial affairs. I know they are huge supporters of the Democrat party but enough is enough! There is a limit to the amount of taxation can be put on the population of this state before it stops paying off. If the taxes amount to 50% or more of the peoples income the revenue the state receives diminishes. There is no incentive for people to work after that. The state simply has to cut spending!!Learn to live within it's means.
Why do the judges in this state think that they can govern from the bench. That is not their job. The 9th circuit court being the worst. Give the state a chance to get out of this mess before the impact of Obamacare hits! The state has to cut it's spending and cutting it's workforce is the place to start. I'm sure the office staffs of the Legislature could be cut and we would never miss them. We've got to start somewhere. Bankruptcy will be next if we don't!

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