Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brown win

The people have spoken! Obama loses again after his Sunday trip to MA! The revolution has started in earnest now. The ultra Liberals in the Congress better start rethinking their position and start listening to the will of the people if they want to keep their cushy jobs in Washington! We don't want any of this Socialist policy that they have trying to foist off on us. No cap&trade, no Obamacare, no global warming policies that will hurt this country and no card check. All of these bills and policies will only serve to further weaken our country and send jobs overseas.
What we need and want is an administration that listens to us,after all, we hired them and they are supposed to work for us!

Congratulation to Senator elect Brown!

1 comment:

  1. The good news: Brown won. The bad news: I really doubt the liberals democratic party gets the message.
