Sunday, January 10, 2010


Jobs?? I read in yesterdays WSJ that the economy is bleeding jobs. What does everyone expect? The policies of the Obama administration will only continue to effect jobs in a negative way. Small business (the main job generator) is fearful of the tax and spend policies. The healthcare bill is going to do away with a large number of permanent,full time jobs in favor of temps. The business owners will use these contractors in place of permanent workers to avoid having to pay the taxes and fines involved with this bill. As it stands right now 26% of the workforce is temporary workers. This number will only increase. Jobs will continue to flee overseas in droves. Obama says that we are in a recovery period but jobs are not being created. The government cannot provide enough jobs to fill the growing gap. The only way to encourage job creation is to cut taxes and vote down this massive healthcare entitlement program. There is not a state that can afford to increase it's Medicaid budget, as demanded (except Nebraska).
 California is loosing jobs and skilled workers at an alarming rate. Silicon Valley is now full of empty office buildings. A lot of those jobs have gone overseas. Many of our most talented workers have migrated overseas as well.
The Obama administrations total disregard for the will of the people will come back to haunt them in November. As we can see by recent events some of the Dems are running scared, as they should be.

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