Friday, January 15, 2010

Double standard

If a conservative had made the comments that were made by Harry Reid the main stream media would have been on it like white on rice. Where is the indignation at those very racist remarks! I must remind everyone that ABC,CBS and NBC are entertainment networks. They throw in some evening news and some local news but for the most part they're there to entertain. Not that there is anything wrong with that but to hear them talk they are the utmost in news and information. I beg to differ-they offer a large amount of opinion and bias with their news! Where are they on this story?
I have another question- Why do Geitner and Holder still have their jobs in the administration? Their behavior is bordering on criminal. Does Obama not have any power in the White House? Is he only a figure head, an empty suit? I also want to know what decisions are being made by all of these Czars that Obama has working for him. Where is the transparency of office we were promised. Where is the by partisan approach that he promised. The Republicans are not allowed into conference to debate these bills and rules. All of the so-called negotiations are held behind closed doors, Dems only , and out of sight of the public. What happened to C-Span being allowed to broadcast the debate on the Obamacare bill?
I want all Liberals that voted for Obama to realize that these proposed laws withh affect your pocketbook as well as mine. Taxes are non-descriminatory! Where will displaced liberals get jobs after this Congress is through messing things up? If you think these laws will bring jobs,think again. Full time (with benefits) jobs are going up in the smoke created by this administration! Currently 26% of the workforce are temps-no benefits, no retirement, no employer loyalty. That is what you all have to look forward to if Cap & Trade, Obamacare,Card check and others pass. That is heading us down the road to becoming a third world country. God help us!

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