Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama and the Dems

Obama and the Dems are running scared-GOOD! It's about time that they listen to the will of the people. Let's see if they can do anything constructive about jobs now.
Apparently another scientist has admitted to lying about climate change just to influence world politics. This whole thing is unravelling! His claim that the Himalayian glaicers will be gone by 2035 was made up and their is no evidence to support the claim. Wow ,what a suprise,as I sit here freezing my behind off.
Lets stop all of this policital correctness and global warming stuff and get to the job at hand. Let's speed up this recovery and job creation and forget all of the rest of this nonsense. Stop nationalizing private industry and get back to the business of the government-protect and serve the people!

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