Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year to all!

We can look forward to 2010 with hope of stopping the current administration in it's tracks! The push is on to take the house back and take away the majority in the senate.If we expect to survive as a nation of free people this swing to Socialism must be stopped.
Secondly, let's be sure to close Gitmo! Send all of the Yemeni prisioners back home so they can jion the current terrorist movement there. Let's take KSM to NYC for trial and be sure that we give him all of the rights accorded to a citizen of the USA. What is Holder thinking??? Leave Gitmo open and leave those terrorists there. Try them by military tribunal! They have no right to set foot on American soil ever!Obama treats this like a police action-it's WAR for God's sake. I mean that literally- the radical Islamists are fighting an age old religious war and the only way to stop them is to kill them or imprision them.They can never be our friends!

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