Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Health Care Bill

I must thank Senator Joe Liberman and the Republicans for standing up against the healthcare bill. For his efforts, Sen. Liberman is suffering mightily! His wife has been attacked by the Liberal media. What's with that?? She is not involved in this fight and should be left out of it as should all family members of all Congress people. Sen. Liberman has guts! I would also like to thank Sen.Roland Burris for his statement that he would not vote for the bill if the public option is not included. I hope that this stalemate will spell doom for the whole thing. Today the Congress passed another sitmulus bill supposed to "create jobs". We haven't spent the initial stimulus money yet, why do they feel the need to dump more taxpayer money into the pot. They have yet to do the two things that will create jobs-Tax cuts for small business-less regulation for small business. Those are the only things that will work. Pouring good money after bad will not achieve anything helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Pat, sadly, as the old saying used to go: I think we have crossed the Rubicon. It is to late for just less biz reulations and tax cuts. With unemployment in fresno and madera counties really being probably + 20% the price a merchant offers a product for becomes second to does the customer even have the money. Notice all the fast food places going from $5 promotions back to $1 menu items? Notice the crowd in the buffet getting smaller? ---> Jim
