Friday, December 4, 2009

12 weeks to make a decision??

I'm not suprised by the President's decision on Afghanistan. I knew he had to send the troops. What does bother me is the timeline. Now the enemy can just sit back,cool their heels and wait us out. If the war quiets down then we can leave and then they can rise up and take control again. If Obama has the will to protect the middle east from nuclear weapons then we have to stay there! We can easily isolate Iran with troops on both sides of that country. If Iran threatens to use nuclear weapons in the middle east then we will have to step in,with or without Nato help. We simply cannot allow Iran to become the dominate nation there! With this administration showing it's weak nature Iran is getting bolder. Their leaders thumb their noses at the US and UN at every oppotunity. Obama does nothing. They had a healthy fear of GW Bush. That's why they called him a cowboy! I'd rather have a cowboy in the drivers seat than an ideolog. Now even his own party members are fleeing his ship like rats. They don't want to go down with him in the next two election cycles.

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe Obama is doing nothing. It was never our "war" to begin with. The "cowboy" you refer to got us into this mess, where so many of our friends have lost their life. I am not surprised by Obama's decision it had to be done, you can not unstart what someone else started. Due to the decision our former dumbass President made MY life is personally being effected with heartache and loss. Personally let them all blow themselves to kingdom come and bring home my friends and family.

    ~Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek
    ~Barack Obama
