Saturday, December 12, 2009

Global warming

Wow, I simply can't contemplate the effect of Global warming as I sit here freezing my b--t off. Last week it was in the twenties. This is very,very early for our area. We could use a little warming right now. Well, Obama made a trip to Norway (on Air Force One, at taxpayer expense) and next week he is going to Copenhagen to sign away our future, again at taxpayer expense. Not that I think he  should take a commercial flight but at least don't give our future away at our expense. He refuses to listen to more than half of the people in the USA, says that we are fringe kooks. We don't want to give up jobs and our future so he can make the Europeans happy. All of this touchy,feely stuff is making me ill. Clean air is great and I'm all for it but I don't think an unilateral approach is the answer. What about the biggest polluters on the planet-China and India. Why should we have to pay for their sins??

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