Sunday, January 31, 2010

Americans do great things!

 Here is cointinued proof that Americans are capable of great things! This will be the longest concrete arch span bridge in the USA when it is completed. It is over and in front of another great accomplishment-Hoover Dam. Despite all of the negative things said by Mr. Obama and the first lady about this nation it remains the greatest country on earth . We should not apologize for anything! We have come to the rescue of many nations and helped the less fortunate in all areas of the world. We are a rich country and we are the most generous country on earth.

Never let anyone say otherwise. When our own President refuses to salute our flag something is very wrong. Many thousands of our finest young men and women have given their lives to protect our heritage and we should never be ashamed to celebrate our country's greatness!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama and the Dems

Obama and the Dems are running scared-GOOD! It's about time that they listen to the will of the people. Let's see if they can do anything constructive about jobs now.
Apparently another scientist has admitted to lying about climate change just to influence world politics. This whole thing is unravelling! His claim that the Himalayian glaicers will be gone by 2035 was made up and their is no evidence to support the claim. Wow ,what a suprise,as I sit here freezing my behind off.
Lets stop all of this policital correctness and global warming stuff and get to the job at hand. Let's speed up this recovery and job creation and forget all of the rest of this nonsense. Stop nationalizing private industry and get back to the business of the government-protect and serve the people!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brown win

The people have spoken! Obama loses again after his Sunday trip to MA! The revolution has started in earnest now. The ultra Liberals in the Congress better start rethinking their position and start listening to the will of the people if they want to keep their cushy jobs in Washington! We don't want any of this Socialist policy that they have trying to foist off on us. No cap&trade, no Obamacare, no global warming policies that will hurt this country and no card check. All of these bills and policies will only serve to further weaken our country and send jobs overseas.
What we need and want is an administration that listens to us,after all, we hired them and they are supposed to work for us!

Congratulation to Senator elect Brown!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


With all of crisis happening in the world, Obama is campaigning? He wants this healcare bill passed so badly that it's all he can thionk about! What a sorry state of affairs.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Double standard

If a conservative had made the comments that were made by Harry Reid the main stream media would have been on it like white on rice. Where is the indignation at those very racist remarks! I must remind everyone that ABC,CBS and NBC are entertainment networks. They throw in some evening news and some local news but for the most part they're there to entertain. Not that there is anything wrong with that but to hear them talk they are the utmost in news and information. I beg to differ-they offer a large amount of opinion and bias with their news! Where are they on this story?
I have another question- Why do Geitner and Holder still have their jobs in the administration? Their behavior is bordering on criminal. Does Obama not have any power in the White House? Is he only a figure head, an empty suit? I also want to know what decisions are being made by all of these Czars that Obama has working for him. Where is the transparency of office we were promised. Where is the by partisan approach that he promised. The Republicans are not allowed into conference to debate these bills and rules. All of the so-called negotiations are held behind closed doors, Dems only , and out of sight of the public. What happened to C-Span being allowed to broadcast the debate on the Obamacare bill?
I want all Liberals that voted for Obama to realize that these proposed laws withh affect your pocketbook as well as mine. Taxes are non-descriminatory! Where will displaced liberals get jobs after this Congress is through messing things up? If you think these laws will bring jobs,think again. Full time (with benefits) jobs are going up in the smoke created by this administration! Currently 26% of the workforce are temps-no benefits, no retirement, no employer loyalty. That is what you all have to look forward to if Cap & Trade, Obamacare,Card check and others pass. That is heading us down the road to becoming a third world country. God help us!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Jobs?? I read in yesterdays WSJ that the economy is bleeding jobs. What does everyone expect? The policies of the Obama administration will only continue to effect jobs in a negative way. Small business (the main job generator) is fearful of the tax and spend policies. The healthcare bill is going to do away with a large number of permanent,full time jobs in favor of temps. The business owners will use these contractors in place of permanent workers to avoid having to pay the taxes and fines involved with this bill. As it stands right now 26% of the workforce is temporary workers. This number will only increase. Jobs will continue to flee overseas in droves. Obama says that we are in a recovery period but jobs are not being created. The government cannot provide enough jobs to fill the growing gap. The only way to encourage job creation is to cut taxes and vote down this massive healthcare entitlement program. There is not a state that can afford to increase it's Medicaid budget, as demanded (except Nebraska).
 California is loosing jobs and skilled workers at an alarming rate. Silicon Valley is now full of empty office buildings. A lot of those jobs have gone overseas. Many of our most talented workers have migrated overseas as well.
The Obama administrations total disregard for the will of the people will come back to haunt them in November. As we can see by recent events some of the Dems are running scared, as they should be.

Friday, January 8, 2010


No political commentary today-I'm sick of it all! As you can see I've included a photo of two of my goats and my horse. The reason for this is that this afternoon when I was going out to feed them I was greeted by a bleating from outside the front gate. Jar-Jar, the one with the long ears, was standing there pleading to be let in! The horse/goat area is well fenced and we thought goat proof. I had forgotten that a few years ago a large branch fell off of one of our oak trees and landed on the fence,thus weakening it.
Apparently, Jar-Jar found that spot and climed up on that section of fence to get at another one of the oaks. The fence came apart at that point and he was outside-in a place he'd never been before. I am thankful that he had the common sense to come to the gate rather than wander away!
One more bit of news-One of our very good friends is planning to run a half marathon this year. We wish him the very best of luck with that. I will post pictures as soon as I can get them!
I'll be back to politics with my next post.

Monday, January 4, 2010

California woes

What is the Govenor to do?? He tried to lay off some state workers because we just don't have the money to pay them but the SEIU went to court and got a sympathetic judge to rule against him. I think it is time to bring the SEIU down a few pegs! They have far to much power when they can tell a state how to handle it's financial affairs. I know they are huge supporters of the Democrat party but enough is enough! There is a limit to the amount of taxation can be put on the population of this state before it stops paying off. If the taxes amount to 50% or more of the peoples income the revenue the state receives diminishes. There is no incentive for people to work after that. The state simply has to cut spending!!Learn to live within it's means.
Why do the judges in this state think that they can govern from the bench. That is not their job. The 9th circuit court being the worst. Give the state a chance to get out of this mess before the impact of Obamacare hits! The state has to cut it's spending and cutting it's workforce is the place to start. I'm sure the office staffs of the Legislature could be cut and we would never miss them. We've got to start somewhere. Bankruptcy will be next if we don't!