Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year to all!

We can look forward to 2010 with hope of stopping the current administration in it's tracks! The push is on to take the house back and take away the majority in the senate.If we expect to survive as a nation of free people this swing to Socialism must be stopped.
Secondly, let's be sure to close Gitmo! Send all of the Yemeni prisioners back home so they can jion the current terrorist movement there. Let's take KSM to NYC for trial and be sure that we give him all of the rights accorded to a citizen of the USA. What is Holder thinking??? Leave Gitmo open and leave those terrorists there. Try them by military tribunal! They have no right to set foot on American soil ever!Obama treats this like a police action-it's WAR for God's sake. I mean that literally- the radical Islamists are fighting an age old religious war and the only way to stop them is to kill them or imprision them.They can never be our friends!

Monday, December 28, 2009

California and Obamacare

Sen. Ben Nelson got a sweetheart deal for Nebraska to buy his vote in the Senate. The prairie
states want the same deal. They want the Fed Gov to pay for the increased Medicaid costs. Why, because they're rural.I live in rural California, most of the state is still rural  by the way. The high density population is mostly along the coast, the rest is rural. Most of the coast is liberal and the rest of the state is conservative. California is 20 billion in the hole now how can we be forced to pay for the increase in Medicaid when we simply don't have the money. We are among the highest taxed people in the nation now. Wealthy people have left the state in droves in recent years because of the tax policies.

It looks like the Obama administration isn't interested in us ,just getting their agenda passed. This monster bill will bankrupt our country. Even the so called independent GBO was called in to the President's office for a TALK and when they emerged their figures on the cost of this thing had changed. This borders on criminal and the Repubs need to look into the underhanded deals made to pass this!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Anyone interested should read this bill! It will scare the life right out of you. It gives government the right to ration healthcare  just as we thought. Obama denies that that is the object but he lies. Read it and you will see. Seniors should be scared to death of it. Lifesaving new drugs and treatments will not be allowed if they cost more than the government panel thinks they should. Development of new medical devices and drugs will be stalled because the companies will not be able to recoup their costs. If this thing passes it will be a disaster for the nation!! Already small businesses are fearful of hiring because of the costs and taxes that go along with this thing. Jobs recovery is being stalled by that fear. Real good job Congress- you just screwed the American people royally!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Midnight vote

Why is there no tort reform or interstate competition included in the monster Obamacare bill? The two things that would, alone, bring down the cost of healthcare. The AMA came out in favor if this thing when , in fact, only 17% of their members approved of it. If it passes both houses of Congress old people will find their healthcare rationed by vurtue of the fact that $480 billion dollars are being taken from Medicare. Medicare was alway the sacred cow of the Dems when the republicans favored not increasing the cost of it. "We can't touch Medicare",they would always say. What happened now????? Seniors get ready for the worst!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Senate to vote 12/24/09

It looks like the Dems in the Senate are pulling out all of the stops and voting around midnight on 12/24.
They are hoping the American people will be too busy with family to pay attention to the vote. So far the bill will be passed on purely party lines without a single Republican supporting it. The only Dem holdout,Ben Nelson, caved when promised that the bill will not include funding for abortion. I really would like to talk to him about the property I have for sale out in the Mojave!!  The new taxes and cuts in Medicare will take effect right away but the new coverage will not take effect until 2014. Do you think that the revenue will be set aside for 2014? If you do I'd like to talk to you about that property as well. Now that the Dems have paid off the senator from Louisana and made promises to others they will get the bill passed. This will come on the backs of the seniors again. This bill includes $480 billion in cuts to Medicare. Do you think this will mean rationing for senior healthcare??? I would like to see seniors get it together and vote these guys and gals out of office in 2010!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Health Care Bill

I must thank Senator Joe Liberman and the Republicans for standing up against the healthcare bill. For his efforts, Sen. Liberman is suffering mightily! His wife has been attacked by the Liberal media. What's with that?? She is not involved in this fight and should be left out of it as should all family members of all Congress people. Sen. Liberman has guts! I would also like to thank Sen.Roland Burris for his statement that he would not vote for the bill if the public option is not included. I hope that this stalemate will spell doom for the whole thing. Today the Congress passed another sitmulus bill supposed to "create jobs". We haven't spent the initial stimulus money yet, why do they feel the need to dump more taxpayer money into the pot. They have yet to do the two things that will create jobs-Tax cuts for small business-less regulation for small business. Those are the only things that will work. Pouring good money after bad will not achieve anything helpful.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Clean water protection act

This will be the largest land grab in the history of this country. According to Fox News the federal gov wants to remove the word navigable from the clean water act. This will let them have power over any bodies of water , private wells and water systems. By any body of water I mean ponds, stockponds creeks, streams ,ect..Check it out! This is just another way to take from the so called rich landowners and redistribute wealth to the socalled poor. These people need to be stopped.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Global warming

Wow, I simply can't contemplate the effect of Global warming as I sit here freezing my b--t off. Last week it was in the twenties. This is very,very early for our area. We could use a little warming right now. Well, Obama made a trip to Norway (on Air Force One, at taxpayer expense) and next week he is going to Copenhagen to sign away our future, again at taxpayer expense. Not that I think he  should take a commercial flight but at least don't give our future away at our expense. He refuses to listen to more than half of the people in the USA, says that we are fringe kooks. We don't want to give up jobs and our future so he can make the Europeans happy. All of this touchy,feely stuff is making me ill. Clean air is great and I'm all for it but I don't think an unilateral approach is the answer. What about the biggest polluters on the planet-China and India. Why should we have to pay for their sins??

Monday, December 7, 2009

Copenhagen Summit

President Obama is going to possibly give away tax dollars to foreign nations and possible kill any new jobs that may become available in the USA. Any climate change legislation or promises from Obama will effectively kill any new job formation. Small bussiness is the engine that drives job creation and anything done at Copenhagen will further damage them. It does look like that is the intent of this administration! Leave well enough alone, we're in enough trouble as it is. If the Congress passes Cap & Trade, card check and the healthcae bill you can kiss the USA goodbye. It will be over for us. We must , for the good of the country,vote the liberals out of Congress in the up coming election cycle!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

12 weeks to make a decision??

I'm not suprised by the President's decision on Afghanistan. I knew he had to send the troops. What does bother me is the timeline. Now the enemy can just sit back,cool their heels and wait us out. If the war quiets down then we can leave and then they can rise up and take control again. If Obama has the will to protect the middle east from nuclear weapons then we have to stay there! We can easily isolate Iran with troops on both sides of that country. If Iran threatens to use nuclear weapons in the middle east then we will have to step in,with or without Nato help. We simply cannot allow Iran to become the dominate nation there! With this administration showing it's weak nature Iran is getting bolder. Their leaders thumb their noses at the US and UN at every oppotunity. Obama does nothing. They had a healthy fear of GW Bush. That's why they called him a cowboy! I'd rather have a cowboy in the drivers seat than an ideolog. Now even his own party members are fleeing his ship like rats. They don't want to go down with him in the next two election cycles.