Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What the heck is going on!!

We live in a very small (7000+) town! This town and it's nearest neighbor are becoming ghost towns. Obama continues to spend taxpayer money on crap while small businesses go under at an alarming rate. I personally know of two young families, one with 5 kids and one with 3 kids that will owe large amount of income tax to the IRS this year. Both families are single wage  earner families. The new tax policies of the Obama administraion are killing young families!! The government has simply got to stop this BS. We will exceed the new debt ceiling at the end of February-then what -Congress will have to raise it again. China is getting sick of loaning us money that it doesn't look like we can repay anytime soon but Obama,Pelosi and Reid just keep spending more than we have.
This administration considers anyone making over $100,000 a year rich. Wow, that's a crock-it takes that much for a young family just to survive. These young families should not be forced to give up any more of their earnings in this so-called "wealth redistribution" scheme of the Obama administration. People who get an education and a good job through their own efforts have no obligation to share their income with anyone but their family unless they choose to voluntarily. People who choose to live off welfare or work in low paying jobs don't deserve to share in the benefits earned by these folks. Education is free to all who want it and standing on a street corner dealing drugs or belonging to a gang will not get you there. Hard work and ethics get you there.
Just remember what happened in New Orleans after Katrina. People there did nothing to help themselves but waited for the government ot come and do everything for them. The people of Mississippi, on the other hand, jumped in and got to work. You never heard them complain. It is a welfare mentality versus self sufficiency. It makes me so angry that so many have been made dependent by the policies of previous Democrat administrations,ie. The Johnson administration and his great society. The welfare state he created has taken the life out of an entire segment of our population.
Now all they can do is depend on the government to take care of them and complain that those that earn a decent wage are treating them unfairly and should give them some of it. Go out and earn it for yourselves.Make your kids stay in school and learn how to earn a living.Take some responsibility for yourselves and get back your self-respect.

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