Saturday, February 13, 2010

Big business-evil?

I'm so sick of hearing liberals decrying big business and big corporations. Think about it,for God's sake. If it were not for them there would be no jobs. If government continues down this path they will force all business out of this country,there will be no jobs and everyone will be dependent on them. Just look at Haiti-is this what you want for our country? We have always been a nation of doers, now we're turning into a nation of takers. We need big business for jobs, research and development of new products and ,yes,wealth! By the way, r&d is a huge part of the space program that Obama is putting the squeeze on right now. By stopping the program he has single handedly done away with large numbers of jobs in one fell swoop! The government cannot produce any growth in jobs. Someone has to earn money and pay taxes. The government can print money to pay their employees with but the more it prints the less value the money has. If our currency collapses it's over for us.
If this trend continues we will be a third world country before the end of Obama's one term in office. I hope you all remember that we are the greatest nation on earth and we should continue to see us in that light. Look at what is happening to Europe. Is this what you want for us. The European type of socialism will ruin us and then the Islamic radicals will move in to take over without firing another shot. Obama is trying to take us down that road. We have to put a stop to this!

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