Monday, November 23, 2009

Senate healthcare bill

The conservative Senators are our only hope for defeating this monster. Please contact your Senators and tell them how you feel about this thing. It is the worst piece of legislation I have ever seen! Senior citizens should be outraged by the terms of this bill. Their care will be rationed by a government panel. The panel will be made up of beaurocrats not medical professionals. It will all be based on dollars not quality of life. You can see it starting already by the new government guidelines for mammograms and pap smears. As a nurse, and hospital bill auditor, I can assure you that the insurance companies will take those guidelines and use them to justify not paying for yearly tests. All of our advances against breast and cervical cancer will go down the drain. Again money ,not health,is the issue with the new guidelines. You must be proactive now. There is no more standing back and watching this thing unfold. It is you health and pocketbook that are going to suffer if this monster passed. Get up and fight it. Contact your Senators now.

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