Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov 3rd elections

The message has been sent to the Liberal Congress! Listen to the people or you will not be able to get relected in 2010! We don't want Obama/Pelosi/Reid care! We don't want Cap & Trade. We want jobs and that should be the priority of the Government right now, not all of this massive spending on things we don't need or want.  We need further tax cuts not more taxes. Seniors are tired of being told that they are not important and benefits that were earned over a lifetime of service to this country will be taken away to be used in these unsustainable schemes of liberals and socialists. Seniors VOTE and most vote their pocketbooks. Don't use Medicare funds to supply healthcare to illegal aliens and people that don't want to buy healthcare. The country simply can't afford, nor do we want, any of these programs!

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