Monday, November 30, 2009

ClimateGate- a global farce exposed!
Click on the website above for the really up to date info on ClimateGate. This just goes to show that what I have always believed is true. The politicians want to keep us in a state of fear so that we will let them control our lives. Read Michael Creighton's book, "State of Fear". It is a great read and soooo true.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Grandson

Well, now that Obama has finally made a decision about McChrystal's request and it looks like my grandson will be among the troops deployed to Afghanistan. He volunteered and we are so proud of him for that.My question is what took so long to make the decision. He gave the General almost all of what he asked for. I know he is very concerned about the far left not being happy but he is supposed to be the President for all Americans. His political career is most likely over at this point anyway so who cares what they think? He cannot get elected for a second term the way things are going.

Lets devote all of our time now to getting the healthcare bill defeated and stop cap & trade. These two bills alone will bankrupt our country. If you think taxes are high now just wait! We have no need or desire for these two plans. We can't afford them and they will not make our lives better in any way!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Senate healthcare bill

The conservative Senators are our only hope for defeating this monster. Please contact your Senators and tell them how you feel about this thing. It is the worst piece of legislation I have ever seen! Senior citizens should be outraged by the terms of this bill. Their care will be rationed by a government panel. The panel will be made up of beaurocrats not medical professionals. It will all be based on dollars not quality of life. You can see it starting already by the new government guidelines for mammograms and pap smears. As a nurse, and hospital bill auditor, I can assure you that the insurance companies will take those guidelines and use them to justify not paying for yearly tests. All of our advances against breast and cervical cancer will go down the drain. Again money ,not health,is the issue with the new guidelines. You must be proactive now. There is no more standing back and watching this thing unfold. It is you health and pocketbook that are going to suffer if this monster passed. Get up and fight it. Contact your Senators now.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Afghanistan ?'s overseas trip has turned out to be catastrophy! He humbles himself before the Emperor of Japan, alienates the Chinese and still hasn't made a decision about troops for Afghanistan. What is so hard about this decision that it has to take 10 weeks? It's either yes or no. Remember Johnson and McNamara and their micro management of Vietnam. That led to failure. Let the generals do it. Don't try to base decisions on your political future. Oh, by the way, you have no political future if you continue on the current path. You will be a one term President with the likes of Jimmy Carter. It will take the next administraion their whole first term just to undo what damage you have done to our country.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gitmo detainees

Everyday it's something new! Now FNC is reporting that the Obama administration is thinking of buying an under utilized prison facility in the midwest and housing the detainees there. WHY for heavens sake. What's wrong with leaving them where they are. No one has escaped from there yet, the climate is similar to what they're used to and the military are better equipped to house them. Americans don't want them in our neighborhoods. Why won't this administration listen to the will of the people!?

Friday, November 13, 2009

They've done it now!

Attorney General Eric Holder has made the decision to bring the 9/11 conspirators to NY to try them under US law. They will be given the rights of US citizens and tried as such. This is a horrible decision and can only lead to more pain and suffering for the families of those killed that awful day. These people should be tried by a military tribunal and never be allowed to set foot on our soil. They should be tried at Gitmo! What are you thinking Mr. Holder??Where is President Obama in this deal? The Obama administration seems to be doing everything to undermine the American people.Why do they do things that the people don't want? Do they work for us or do they want to control every aspect of our lives without benefit of our input. When we try to raise our voices they simply brush us off as nuts.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, they did it under the cloak of night on Saturday. They voted to take 500million out of Medicare to partially fund this massive takeover of the healthcare system. The seniors will bear the burden again. Did they forget that the seniors are a huge voting block? All of those who voted yes on this "Obamanation" need to pay the price at the next election. They need to be fired by the voters! Let's hope the Senators have more respect for the will of the people. Vote this thing DOWN. We need tort reform and interstate competetion of insurance carriers not this plan. It would be so simple if they only let it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

To quote a famous movie line:
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!". To the radicals in the Congress- Don't do this (Obamacare,Cap & Trade,etc.) if you have any hope of keeping your jobs!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov 3rd elections

The message has been sent to the Liberal Congress! Listen to the people or you will not be able to get relected in 2010! We don't want Obama/Pelosi/Reid care! We don't want Cap & Trade. We want jobs and that should be the priority of the Government right now, not all of this massive spending on things we don't need or want.  We need further tax cuts not more taxes. Seniors are tired of being told that they are not important and benefits that were earned over a lifetime of service to this country will be taken away to be used in these unsustainable schemes of liberals and socialists. Seniors VOTE and most vote their pocketbooks. Don't use Medicare funds to supply healthcare to illegal aliens and people that don't want to buy healthcare. The country simply can't afford, nor do we want, any of these programs!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I think that this Tuesday will be the beginning of the revolution to take back our Country from the Socialists currently in charge. Let's give the Obama administration a message. Let's tell them that they cannot turn our country into a Socialist state without a fight. We are Americans, the best country in the world. We are free and want to remain that way. There is to be no silencing of the conservative voices in this country. We are the majority!! None of our dismay is over the color of Obama's skin but the quality of his decision making. He surrounds himself with Socialists and Marxists and give them decision making powers that were meant only for elected officials that we can hold accountable by our vote. His Czars are out of the reach of the voters. This is a practice that should not be allowed. I praise Glenn Beck for bringing these Czars into the light for all to see. This is a travesty!