Friday, October 30, 2009


This bill is an "Obamanation"- Terrible for America, horrible for taxpayers and tragic for senior citizens!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Afghanistan War

If President Obama does not send the troops that Gen. McChrystal has requested we will fail our mission there. In my mind the mission is to keep the Taliban on the run and unable to move into nuclear power Pakistans territory and take over those nukes. If we don't stabilize Afghanistan and keep a presence on the ground there that is just what will happen. I agree with Sen. McCain-time has run  out for Obama to "review strategy". Do something. As he mulls this over the Taliban bombs Pakistan and kills mostly women and children, who mean nothing to them as we know.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Virginia election

Hopefully, the folks in Virginia will use good sense and vote McDonnell to the State House. This will send the first message to the White House that we intend to take back our country!

Healthcare reform

The people in Congress are making this whole thing so complicated,as they do with everything. It is really sooo simple!
Medical tort reform to limit the amount of judgements and interstate commerece in the health insurance industry. The costs for healthcare would come down dramatically and the Government would not have to get involved in making decisions about our healthcare. There would be virtually no cost to the Government and NO NEW TAXES for healthcare reform.
Why do they always have to make everything so difficult??

Monday, October 26, 2009

The American Way

The current administration in Washington is doing all it can do to trash the Constitution and all it stands for. Our American way of life is being threatened as we speak by the Libs and left wing radicals in Congress and the White house. We all need to stand up against this shift to Socialism that is being forced down our throats. Watch Fox news and see why the White House is upset with them and anyone else(ie.,Chamber of Commerece) that disagrees with their vision of what America is.